Adobe Analytics Connection
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Adobe Analytics Connection

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Article Summary


This article will guide you through configuring and establishing an Adobe Analytics connection in Rivery .

After following all the steps written in this article, you will be able to provide Rivery with the following details:

  • API Key (aka Client ID)
  • Client Secret ID
  • Technical Account ID
  • Organization ID
  • Global Company ID (aka Company ID)
  • Private Key file


In order to create the proper integration on the Adobe I/O Console, you need System Admin or Developer rights for your organization.

Service Account Integration

A Service Account Integration is needed to call Adobe services.

The following steps will walk you through the process of setting up a Service Account Integration .

Step 1: Subscribe to an Adobe Service
Step 2: Create a Public Key Certificate
Step 3: Configure an API Key Integration
Step 4: Global Company ID

Step 1: Subscribe to an Adobe Service

  • Create a new integration in Adobe I/O Console:

    Adobe Analytics Connection-new integration

  • Choose to access an API.

  • Under Experience Cloud , select Adobe Analytics , and then select Service Account integration as the integration type. Click on Continue at the bottom right.


  • Name and Describe your integration (can be anything of your choosing)

Step 2: Create a Public Key Certificate

  • The following steps will show you how to create a private key and a public certificate. Make sure you store these securely.

    You will need to upload the Public Key to Adobe Integration and the Private Key in the Rivery Connection.

    Windows :

    • Download an OpenSSL client to generate public certificates; for example, you can try the OpenSSL Windows client .

    • Extract the folder and copy it to the C:/libs/ location.

    • Open a command line window and execute the following commands:

      set OPENSSL_CONF=C:/libs/openssl-1.1.1-win64-mingw/openssl.cnf
      cd C:/libs/openssl-1.1.1-win64-mingw/
      openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate_pub.crt


    MacOS and Linux :

    * Open a terminal and execute the following command:

    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate_pub.crt


Step 3: Configure an API Key Integration

  • Upload the public certificate you created (certificate_pub.crt) as a part of creating the integration.

  • Select one or more product profiles for Adobe Analytics

  • Click on Create Integration. Your integration should now be created with the appropriate public certificate and claims.

  • Click on Continue to Integration details


Step 4: Global Company ID

If you do not know your Global Company ID, you can find it in the request URL for the users/me endpoint on the Swagger UI. After logging into the Swagger UI, expand the users endpoint and then click the GET users/me button. Click the Try it out and Execute buttons.

Note your Global Company ID shown in the Request URL immediately preceding the users/me endpoint.

Adobe Analytics Connection-note-company-id

Creating New Adobe Analytics Connection In Rivery

  1. Navigate and log into Rivery Console.

  2. Click on Connections, in the main menu at the left.

  3. Click on + New Connection .

  4. Find and click on Adobe Analytics source, under the Analytics section.

    Adobe Analytics Connection-adobe analytics source box

  5. Name the connection.

  6. Insert your Organization ID, Technical Account ID, Client ID (API Key), and Client Secret that you created in the previous steps . All of these can be found on the Service Account Integration Details.

  7. Insert your Company ID that you found on step 4 .

  8. Upload the Private.key file you created on step 2 . Please note that this must be key file format.

  9. Test your connection

You should now be all set to start making Analytics reports with Rivery!

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